
Print this page

  72 }
  73 div.summary table th {
  74     text-align: right;
  75     vertical-align: top;
  76     white-space: nowrap;
  77 }
  78 span.lineschanged {
  79     font-size: 0.7em;
  80 }
  81 span.oldmarker {
  82     color: red;
  83     font-size: large;
  84     font-weight: bold;
  85 }
  86 span.newmarker {
  87     color: green;
  88     font-size: large;
  89     font-weight: bold;
  90 }
  91 span.removed {
  92     color: brown;
  93 }
  94 span.changed {
  95     color: blue;
  96 }
  97 {
  98     color: blue;
  99     font-weight: bold;
 100 }
 101 a.print { font-size: x-small; }
 103 </style>
 105 <style type="text/css" media="print">
 106 pre { font-size: 0.8em; font-family: courier, monospace; }
 107 span.removed { color: #444; font-style: italic }
 108 span.changed { font-weight: bold; }
 109 { font-weight: bold; }
 110 span.newmarker { font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; }
 111 span.oldmarker { font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; }
 112 a.print {display: none}

 160 sac2url()
 161 {
 162         if [[ -z $Oflag ]]; then
 163             sed -e 's|\([A-Z]\{1,2\}ARC\)[ /]\([0-9]\{4\}\)/\([0-9]\{3\}\)|<a href=\"'$SACURL'\1/\2/\3\">\1 \2/\3</a>|g'
 164         else
 165             sed -e 's|\([A-Z]\{1,2\}ARC\)[ /]\([0-9]\{4\}\)/\([0-9]\{3\}\)|<a href=\"'$SACURL'/\2/\3\">\1 \2/\3</a>|g'
 166         fi
 167 }
 169 #
 170 # strip_unchanged <infile> | output_cmd
 171 #
 172 # Removes chunks of sdiff documents that have not changed. This makes it
 173 # easier for a code reviewer to find the bits that have changed.
 174 #
 175 # Deleted lines of text are replaced by a horizontal rule. Some
 176 # identical lines are retained before and after the changed lines to
 177 # provide some context.  The number of these lines is controlled by the
 178 # variable C in the $AWK script below.
 179 #
 180 # The script detects changed lines as any line that has a "<span class="
 181 # string embedded (unchanged lines have no particular class and are not
 182 # part of a <span>).  Blank lines (without a sequence number) are also
 183 # detected since they flag lines that have been inserted or deleted.
 184 #
 185 strip_unchanged()
 186 {
 187         $AWK '
 188         BEGIN   { C = c = 20 }
 189         NF == 0 || /span class=/ {
 190                 if (c > C) {
 191                         c -= C
 192                         inx = 0
 193                         if (c > C) {
 194                                 print "\n</pre><hr></hr><pre>"
 195                                 inx = c % C
 196                                 c = C
 197                         }
 199                         for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
 200                                 print ln[(inx + i) % C]
 201                 }
 202                 c = 0;
 203                 print
 204                 next
 205         }
 206         {       if (c >= C) {
 207                         ln[c % C] = $0
 208                         c++;
 209                         next;

 275 #
 276 #  Blank lines are inserted in each file to keep unchanged lines in sync
 277 #  (side-by-side).  This format is familiar to users of sdiff(1) or
 278 #  Teamware's filemerge tool.
 279 #
 280 sdiff_to_html()
 281 {
 282         diff -b $1 $2 > /tmp/$$.diffs
 284         TNAME=$3
 285         TPATH=$4
 286         COMMENT=$5
 288         #
 289         #  Now we have the diffs, generate the HTML for the old file.
 290         #
 291         $AWK '
 292         BEGIN   {
 293                 printf "function sp(n) {for (i=0;i<n;i++)printf \"\\n\"}\n"
 294                 printf "function removed() "
 295                 printf "{printf \"<span class=\\\"removed\\\">%%4d %%s</span>\\n\", NR, $0}\n"
 296                 printf "function changed() "
 297                 printf "{printf \"<span class=\\\"changed\\\">%%4d %%s</span>\\n\", NR, $0}\n"
 298                 printf "function bl() {printf \"%%4d %%s\\n\", NR, $0}\n"
 299 }
 300         /^</ {next}
 301         /^>/ {next}
 302         /^---/  {next}
 304         {
 305         split($1, a, /[cad]/) ;
 306         if (index($1, "a")) {
 307                 if (a[1] == 0) {
 308                         n = split(a[2], r, /,/);
 309                         if (n == 1)
 310                                 printf "BEGIN\t\t{sp(1)}\n"
 311                         else
 312                                 printf "BEGIN\t\t{sp(%d)}\n",\
 313                                 (r[2] - r[1]) + 1
 314                         next
 315                 }
 317                 printf "NR==%s\t\t{", a[1]

 357                                 if (n > 1) printf "if (NR==%d)", final
 358                                 printf "sp(%d);", d2 - d1
 359                         }
 360                 }
 361                 printf "next}\n" ;
 363                 next
 364         }
 365         }
 367         END     { printf "{printf \"%%4d %%s\\n\", NR, $0 }\n" }
 368         ' /tmp/$$.diffs > /tmp/$$.file1
 370         #
 371         #  Now generate the HTML for the new file
 372         #
 373         $AWK '
 374         BEGIN   {
 375                 printf "function sp(n) {for (i=0;i<n;i++)printf \"\\n\"}\n"
 376                 printf "function new() "
 377                 printf "{printf \"<span class=\\\"new\\\">%%4d %%s</span>\\n\", NR, $0}\n"
 378                 printf "function changed() "
 379                 printf "{printf \"<span class=\\\"changed\\\">%%4d %%s</span>\\n\", NR, $0}\n"
 380                 printf "function bl() {printf \"%%4d %%s\\n\", NR, $0}\n"
 381         }
 383         /^</ {next}
 384         /^>/ {next}
 385         /^---/  {next}
 387         {
 388         split($1, a, /[cad]/) ;
 389         if (index($1, "d")) {
 390                 if (a[2] == 0) {
 391                         n = split(a[1], r, /,/);
 392                         if (n == 1)
 393                                 printf "BEGIN\t\t{sp(1)}\n"
 394                         else
 395                                 printf "BEGIN\t\t{sp(%d)}\n",\
 396                                 (r[2] - r[1]) + 1
 397                         next
 398                 }

 492 #
 493 #    $WDIR/DIR/$TNAME.lhs.html
 494 #    $WDIR/DIR/$TNAME.rhs.html
 495 #    $WDIR/DIR/$TNAME.frames.html
 496 #
 497 # NOTE: We rely on standard usage of $WDIR and $DIR.
 498 #
 499 function framed_sdiff
 500 {
 501         typeset TNAME=$1
 502         typeset TPATH=$2
 503         typeset lhsfile=$3
 504         typeset rhsfile=$4
 505         typeset comments=$5
 506         typeset RTOP
 508         # Enable html files to access WDIR via a relative path.
 509         RTOP=$(relative_dir $TPATH $WDIR)
 511         # Make the rhs/lhs files and output the frameset file.
 512         print "$HTML<head>$STDHEAD" > $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.lhs.html

 514         cat >> $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.lhs.html <<-EOF
 515             <script type="text/javascript" src="$RTOP/ancnav.js"></script>
 516             </head>
 517             <body id="SUNWwebrev" onkeypress="keypress(event);">
 518             <a name="0"></a>
 519             <pre>$comments</pre><hr></hr>
 520         EOF
 522         cp $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.lhs.html $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.rhs.html
 524         insert_anchors $lhsfile >> $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.lhs.html
 525         insert_anchors $rhsfile >> $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.rhs.html
 527         close='</body></html>'
 529         print $close >> $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.lhs.html
 530         print $close >> $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.rhs.html
 532         print "$FRAMEHTML<head>$STDHEAD" > $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.frames.html

 626 # The script detects changed lines as any line that has a "<span
 627 # class=" string embedded (unchanged lines have no class set and are
 628 # not part of a <span>.  Blank lines (without a sequence number)
 629 # are also detected since they flag lines that have been inserted or
 630 # deleted.
 631 #
 632 function insert_anchors
 633 {
 634         $AWK '
 635         function ia() {
 636                 # This should be able to be a singleton <a /> but that
 637                 # seems to trigger a bug in firefox a:hover rule processing
 638                 printf "<a name=\"%d\" id=\"anc%d\"></a>", anc, anc++;
 639         }
 641         BEGIN {
 642                 anc=1;
 643                 inblock=1;
 644                 printf "<pre>\n";
 645         }
 646         NF == 0 || /^<span class=/ {
 647                 if (inblock == 0) {
 648                         ia();
 649                         inblock=1;
 650                 }
 651                 print;
 652                 next;
 653         }
 654         {
 655                 inblock=0;
 656                 print;
 657         }
 658         END {
 659                 ia();
 661                 printf "<b style=\"font-size: large; color: red\">";
 662                 printf "--- EOF ---</b>"
 663                 for(i=0;i<8;i++) printf "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";
 664                 printf "</pre>"
 665                 printf "<form name=\"eof\">";
 666                 printf "<input name=\"value\" value=\"%d\" type=\"hidden\" />",
 667                     anc - 1;
 668                 printf "</form>";
 669         }
 670         ' $1
 671 }
 674 #
 675 # relative_dir
 676 #
 677 # Print a relative return path from $1 to $2.  For example if
 678 # $1=/tmp/myreview/raw_files/usr/src/tools/scripts and $2=/tmp/myreview,
 679 # this function would print "../../../../".
 680 #
 681 # In the event that $1 is not in $2 a warning is printed to stderr,
 682 # and $2 is returned-- the result of this is that the resulting webrev
 683 # is not relocatable.
 684 #
 685 function relative_dir

 909         cat << \EOF
 910 </head>
 911 <body id="SUNWwebrev" bgcolor="#eeeeee" onload="document.diff.real.focus();"
 912         onkeypress="keypress(event);">
 913     <noscript lang="javascript">
 914       <center>
 915         <p><big>Framed Navigation controls require Javascript</big><br />
 916         Either this browser is incompatable or javascript is not enabled</p>
 917       </center>
 918     </noscript>
 919     <table width="100%" border="0" align="center">
 920         <tr>
 921           <td valign="middle" width="25%">Diff navigation:
 922           Use 'j' and 'k' for next and previous diffs; or use buttons
 923           at right</td>
 924           <td align="center" valign="top" width="50%">
 925             <div class="button">
 926               <table border="0" align="center">
 927                   <tr>
 928                     <td>
 929                       <a onMouseDown="handlePress(1);return true;"
 930                          onMouseUp="handleRelease(1);return true;"
 931                          onMouseOut="handleRelease(1);return true;"
 932                          onClick="return false;"
 933                          title="Go to Beginning Of file">BOF</a></td>
 934                     <td>
 935                       <a onMouseDown="handlePress(3);return true;"
 936                          onMouseUp="handleRelease(3);return true;"
 937                          onMouseOut="handleRelease(3);return true;"
 938                          title="Scroll Up: Press and Hold to accelerate"
 939                          onClick="return false;">Scroll Up</a></td>
 940                     <td>
 941                       <a onMouseDown="handlePress(2);return true;"
 942                          onMouseUp="handleRelease(2);return true;"
 943                          onMouseOut="handleRelease(2);return true;"
 944                          title="Go to previous Diff"
 945                          onClick="return false;">Prev Diff</a>
 946                     </td></tr>
 948                   <tr>
 949                     <td>
 950                       <a onMouseDown="handlePress(6);return true;"
 951                          onMouseUp="handleRelease(6);return true;"
 952                          onMouseOut="handleRelease(6);return true;"
 953                          onClick="return false;"
 954                          title="Go to End Of File">EOF</a></td>
 955                     <td>
 956                       <a onMouseDown="handlePress(4);return true;"
 957                          onMouseUp="handleRelease(4);return true;"
 958                          onMouseOut="handleRelease(4);return true;"
 959                          title="Scroll Down: Press and Hold to accelerate"
 960                          onClick="return false;">Scroll Down</a></td>
 961                     <td>
 962                       <a onMouseDown="handlePress(5);return true;"
 963                          onMouseUp="handleRelease(5);return true;"
 964                          onMouseOut="handleRelease(5);return true;"
 965                          title="Go to next Diff"
 966                          onClick="return false;">Next Diff</a></td>
 967                   </tr>
 968               </table>
 969             </div>
 970           </td>
 971           <th valign="middle" width="25%">
 972             <form action="" name="diff" onsubmit="return ValidateDiffNum();">
 973                 <input name="display" value="BOF" size="8" type="text" />
 974                 <input name="real" value="0" size="8" type="hidden" />
 975             </form>
 976           </th>
 977         </tr>
 978     </table>
 979   </body>
 980 </html>
 981 EOF
 982 }
 986 #

1003                 print "$UDIFFCSS"
1004         fi
1006         cat <<-EOF
1007         </head>
1008         <body id="SUNWwebrev">
1009         <h2>$TPATH</h2>
1010         <a class="print" href="javascript:print()">Print this page</a>
1011         <pre>$COMMENT</pre>
1012         <pre>
1013 EOF
1015         html_quote | $AWK '
1016         /^--- new/      { next }
1017         /^\+\+\+ new/   { next }
1018         /^--- old/      { next }
1019         /^\*\*\* old/   { next }
1020         /^\*\*\*\*/     { next }
1021         /^-------/      { printf "<center><h1>%s</h1></center>\n", $0; next }
1022         /^\@\@.*\@\@$/  { printf "</pre><hr /><pre>\n";
1023                           printf "<span class=\"newmarker\">%s</span>\n", $0;
1024                           next}
1026         /^\*\*\*/       { printf "<hr /><span class=\"oldmarker\">%s</span>\n", $0;
1027                           next}
1028         /^---/          { printf "<span class=\"newmarker\">%s</span>\n", $0;
1029                           next}
1030         /^\+/           {printf "<span class=\"new\">%s</span>\n", $0; next}
1031         /^!/            {printf "<span class=\"changed\">%s</span>\n", $0; next}
1032         /^-/            {printf "<span class=\"removed\">%s</span>\n", $0; next}
1033                         {printf "%s\n", $0; next}
1034         '
1036         print "</pre></body></html>\n"
1037 }
1040 #
1041 # source_to_html { new | old } <filename>
1042 #
1043 # Process a plain vanilla source file to transform it into an HTML file.
1044 #
1045 source_to_html()
1046 {
1047         WHICH=$1
1048         TNAME=$2
1050         print "$HTML<head>$STDHEAD"
1051         print "<title>$WHICH $TNAME</title>"
1052         print "<body id=\"SUNWwebrev\">"
1053         print "<pre>"
1054         html_quote | $AWK '{line += 1 ; printf "%4d %s\n", line, $0 }'
1055         print "</pre></body></html>"
1056 }
1058 #
1059 # teamwarecomments {text|html} parent-file child-file
1060 #
1061 # Find the first delta in the child that's not in the parent.  Get the
1062 # newest delta from the parent, get all deltas from the child starting
1063 # with that delta, and then get all info starting with the second oldest
1064 # delta in that list (the first delta unique to the child).
1065 #
1066 # This code adapted from Bill Shannon's "spc" script
1067 #
1068 comments_from_teamware()
1069 {
1070         fmt=$1
1071         pfile=$PWS/$2
1072         cfile=$CWS/$3

1312         # End of $AWK, Check to see if any trouble occurred.
1313         if (( $? > 0 || err > 0 )); then
1314                 print "Unexpected Error occurred reading" \
1315                     "\`diff -e $1 $2\`: \$?=$?, err=" $err
1316                 return
1317         fi
1319         # Accumulate totals
1320         (( TOTL += tot ))
1321         (( TMOD += mod ))
1322         (( TDEL += del ))
1323         (( TINS += ins ))
1324         # Calculate unchanged lines
1325         unc=`wc -l < $1`
1326         if (( unc > 0 )); then
1327                 (( unc -= del + mod ))
1328                 (( TUNC += unc ))
1329         fi
1330         # print summary
1331         print "<span class=\"lineschanged\">\c"
1332         printCI $tot $ins $del $mod $unc
1333         print "</span>"
1334 }
1337 #
1338 # flist_from_wx
1339 #
1340 # Sets up webrev to source its information from a wx-formatted file.
1341 # Sets the global 'wxfile' variable.
1342 #
1343 function flist_from_wx
1344 {
1345         typeset argfile=$1
1346         if [[ -n ${argfile%%/*} ]]; then
1347                 #
1348                 # If the wx file pathname is relative then make it absolute
1349                 # because the webrev does a "cd" later on.
1350                 #
1351                 wxfile=$PWD/$argfile

3003 # <title>6641309: Wrong Cookie separator used in HttpURLConnection</title>
3004 #
3005 if [[ -n $CRID ]]; then
3006     for id in $CRID
3007     do
3008         print "<tr><th>Bug id:</th><td>"
3009         url="${BUGURL}${id}"
3010         if [[ -n $WGET ]]; then
3011             msg=`$WGET -q $url -O - | grep '<title>' | sed 's/<title>\(.*\)<\/title>/\1/' | sed 's/Bug ID://'`
3012         fi
3013         if [[ -n $msg ]]; then
3014             print "<a href=\"$url\">$msg</a>"
3015         else
3016             print $id | bug2url
3017         fi
3019         print "</td></tr>"
3020     done
3021 fi
3022 print "<tr><th>Legend:</th><td>"
3023 print "<b>Modified file</b><br><font color=red><b>Deleted file</b></font><br><font color=green><b>New file</b></font></td></tr>"
3024 print "</table>"
3025 print "</div>"
3027 #
3028 # Second pass through the files: generate the rest of the index file
3029 #
3030 while read LINE
3031 do
3032         set - $LINE
3033         if [[ $1 == "Revision:" ]]; then
3034             FIRST_CREV=`expr $3 + 1`
3035             continue
3036         fi
3037         P=$1
3039         if [[ $# == 2 ]]; then
3040                 PP=$2
3041                 oldname=" <i>(was $PP)</i>"
3043         else

3143         fi
3145         # Add additional comments comment
3147         print "<!-- Add comments to explain changes in $P here -->"
3149         # Add count of changes.
3151         if [[ -f $F.count ]]; then
3152             cat $F.count
3153             rm $F.count
3154         fi
3155         print "</blockquote>"
3156 done < $FLIST
3158 print
3159 print
3160 print "<hr />"
3161 print "<p style=\"font-size: small\">"
3162 print "This code review page was prepared using <b>$0</b>"
3163 print "(vers $WEBREV_UPDATED)."
3164 print "</body>"
3165 print "</html>"
3167 if [[ -n $ZIP ]]; then
3168     # Let's generate a zip file for convenience
3169     cd $WDIR/..
3170     if [ -f ]; then
3171         rm
3172     fi
3173     $ZIP -r webrev webrev >/dev/null 2>&1
3174 fi
3176 exec 1<&-                        # Close FD 1.
3177 exec 1<&3                        # dup FD 3 to restore stdout.
3178 exec 3<&-                        # close FD 3.
3180 print "Done."
3181 print "Output to: $WDIR"

  72 }
  73 div.summary table th {
  74     text-align: right;
  75     vertical-align: top;
  76     white-space: nowrap;
  77 }
  78 span.lineschanged {
  79     font-size: 0.7em;
  80 }
  81 span.oldmarker {
  82     color: red;
  83     font-size: large;
  84     font-weight: bold;
  85 }
  86 span.newmarker {
  87     color: green;
  88     font-size: large;
  89     font-weight: bold;
  90 }
  91 span.removed {
  92     color: #A52A2A; /*brown*/
  93 }
  94 span.changed {
  95     color: blue;
  96 }
  97 {
  98     color: blue;
  99     font-weight: bold;
 100 }
 101 a.print { font-size: x-small; }
 103 </style>
 105 <style type="text/css" media="print">
 106 pre { font-size: 0.8em; font-family: courier, monospace; }
 107 span.removed { color: #444; font-style: italic }
 108 span.changed { font-weight: bold; }
 109 { font-weight: bold; }
 110 span.newmarker { font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; }
 111 span.oldmarker { font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; }
 112 a.print {display: none}

 160 sac2url()
 161 {
 162         if [[ -z $Oflag ]]; then
 163             sed -e 's|\([A-Z]\{1,2\}ARC\)[ /]\([0-9]\{4\}\)/\([0-9]\{3\}\)|<a href=\"'$SACURL'\1/\2/\3\">\1 \2/\3</a>|g'
 164         else
 165             sed -e 's|\([A-Z]\{1,2\}ARC\)[ /]\([0-9]\{4\}\)/\([0-9]\{3\}\)|<a href=\"'$SACURL'/\2/\3\">\1 \2/\3</a>|g'
 166         fi
 167 }
 169 #
 170 # strip_unchanged <infile> | output_cmd
 171 #
 172 # Removes chunks of sdiff documents that have not changed. This makes it
 173 # easier for a code reviewer to find the bits that have changed.
 174 #
 175 # Deleted lines of text are replaced by a horizontal rule. Some
 176 # identical lines are retained before and after the changed lines to
 177 # provide some context.  The number of these lines is controlled by the
 178 # variable C in the $AWK script below.
 179 #
 180 # The script detects changed lines as any line that has a "<span class="
 181 # string embedded (unchanged lines have no particular class and are not
 182 # part of a <span>).  Blank lines (without a sequence number) are also
 183 # detected since they flag lines that have been inserted or deleted.
 184 #
 185 strip_unchanged()
 186 {
 187         $AWK '
 188         BEGIN   { C = c = 20 }
 189         NF == 0 || /span class=/ {
 190                 if (c > C) {
 191                         c -= C
 192                         inx = 0
 193                         if (c > C) {
 194                                 print "\n</pre><hr></hr><pre>"
 195                                 inx = c % C
 196                                 c = C
 197                         }
 199                         for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
 200                                 print ln[(inx + i) % C]
 201                 }
 202                 c = 0;
 203                 print
 204                 next
 205         }
 206         {       if (c >= C) {
 207                         ln[c % C] = $0
 208                         c++;
 209                         next;

 275 #
 276 #  Blank lines are inserted in each file to keep unchanged lines in sync
 277 #  (side-by-side).  This format is familiar to users of sdiff(1) or
 278 #  Teamware's filemerge tool.
 279 #
 280 sdiff_to_html()
 281 {
 282         diff -b $1 $2 > /tmp/$$.diffs
 284         TNAME=$3
 285         TPATH=$4
 286         COMMENT=$5
 288         #
 289         #  Now we have the diffs, generate the HTML for the old file.
 290         #
 291         $AWK '
 292         BEGIN   {
 293                 printf "function sp(n) {for (i=0;i<n;i++)printf \"\\n\"}\n"
 294                 printf "function removed() "
 295                 printf "{printf \"<span class=\\\"removed\\\">%%4d %%s</span>\\n\", NR, $0}\n"
 296                 printf "function changed() "
 297                 printf "{printf \"<span class=\\\"changed\\\">%%4d %%s</span>\\n\", NR, $0}\n"
 298                 printf "function bl() {printf \"%%4d %%s\\n\", NR, $0}\n"
 299 }
 300         /^</ {next}
 301         /^>/ {next}
 302         /^---/  {next}
 304         {
 305         split($1, a, /[cad]/) ;
 306         if (index($1, "a")) {
 307                 if (a[1] == 0) {
 308                         n = split(a[2], r, /,/);
 309                         if (n == 1)
 310                                 printf "BEGIN\t\t{sp(1)}\n"
 311                         else
 312                                 printf "BEGIN\t\t{sp(%d)}\n",\
 313                                 (r[2] - r[1]) + 1
 314                         next
 315                 }
 317                 printf "NR==%s\t\t{", a[1]

 357                                 if (n > 1) printf "if (NR==%d)", final
 358                                 printf "sp(%d);", d2 - d1
 359                         }
 360                 }
 361                 printf "next}\n" ;
 363                 next
 364         }
 365         }
 367         END     { printf "{printf \"%%4d %%s\\n\", NR, $0 }\n" }
 368         ' /tmp/$$.diffs > /tmp/$$.file1
 370         #
 371         #  Now generate the HTML for the new file
 372         #
 373         $AWK '
 374         BEGIN   {
 375                 printf "function sp(n) {for (i=0;i<n;i++)printf \"\\n\"}\n"
 376                 printf "function new() "
 377                 printf "{printf \"<span class=\\\"new\\\">%%4d %%s</span>\\n\", NR, $0}\n"
 378                 printf "function changed() "
 379                 printf "{printf \"<span class=\\\"changed\\\">%%4d %%s</span>\\n\", NR, $0}\n"
 380                 printf "function bl() {printf \"%%4d %%s\\n\", NR, $0}\n"
 381         }
 383         /^</ {next}
 384         /^>/ {next}
 385         /^---/  {next}
 387         {
 388         split($1, a, /[cad]/) ;
 389         if (index($1, "d")) {
 390                 if (a[2] == 0) {
 391                         n = split(a[1], r, /,/);
 392                         if (n == 1)
 393                                 printf "BEGIN\t\t{sp(1)}\n"
 394                         else
 395                                 printf "BEGIN\t\t{sp(%d)}\n",\
 396                                 (r[2] - r[1]) + 1
 397                         next
 398                 }

 492 #
 493 #    $WDIR/DIR/$TNAME.lhs.html
 494 #    $WDIR/DIR/$TNAME.rhs.html
 495 #    $WDIR/DIR/$TNAME.frames.html
 496 #
 497 # NOTE: We rely on standard usage of $WDIR and $DIR.
 498 #
 499 function framed_sdiff
 500 {
 501         typeset TNAME=$1
 502         typeset TPATH=$2
 503         typeset lhsfile=$3
 504         typeset rhsfile=$4
 505         typeset comments=$5
 506         typeset RTOP
 508         # Enable html files to access WDIR via a relative path.
 509         RTOP=$(relative_dir $TPATH $WDIR)
 511         # Make the rhs/lhs files and output the frameset file.
 512         print "$HTML<head>$STDHEAD <title>$WNAME rhs/lhs "\
 513                 "$TPATH/$TNAME</title>" > $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.lhs.html
 515         cat >> $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.lhs.html <<-EOF
 516             <script type="text/javascript" src="$RTOP/ancnav.js"></script>
 517             </head>
 518             <body id="SUNWwebrev" onkeypress="keypress(event);">
 519             <a name="0"></a>
 520             <pre>$comments</pre><hr></hr>
 521         EOF
 523         cp $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.lhs.html $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.rhs.html
 525         insert_anchors $lhsfile >> $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.lhs.html
 526         insert_anchors $rhsfile >> $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.rhs.html
 528         close='</body></html>'
 530         print $close >> $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.lhs.html
 531         print $close >> $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.rhs.html
 533         print "$FRAMEHTML<head>$STDHEAD" > $WDIR/$DIR/$TNAME.frames.html

 627 # The script detects changed lines as any line that has a "<span
 628 # class=" string embedded (unchanged lines have no class set and are
 629 # not part of a <span>.  Blank lines (without a sequence number)
 630 # are also detected since they flag lines that have been inserted or
 631 # deleted.
 632 #
 633 function insert_anchors
 634 {
 635         $AWK '
 636         function ia() {
 637                 # This should be able to be a singleton <a /> but that
 638                 # seems to trigger a bug in firefox a:hover rule processing
 639                 printf "<a name=\"%d\" id=\"anc%d\"></a>", anc, anc++;
 640         }
 642         BEGIN {
 643                 anc=1;
 644                 inblock=1;
 645                 printf "<pre>\n";
 646         }
 647         NF == 0 || /^<span class=/ {
 648                 if (inblock == 0) {
 649                         ia();
 650                         inblock=1;
 651                 }
 652                 print;
 653                 next;
 654         }
 655         {
 656                 inblock=0;
 657                 print;
 658         }
 659         END {
 660                 ia();
 662                 printf "<b style=\"font-size: large; color: red\">";
 663                 printf "--- EOF ---</b>"
 664                 for(i=0;i<8;i++) printf "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";
 665                 printf "</pre>"
 666                 printf "<form name=\"eof\" action=\"#\">";
 667                 printf "<input name=\"value\" value=\"%d\" type=\"hidden\" />",
 668                     anc - 1;
 669                 printf "</form>";
 670         }
 671         ' $1
 672 }
 675 #
 676 # relative_dir
 677 #
 678 # Print a relative return path from $1 to $2.  For example if
 679 # $1=/tmp/myreview/raw_files/usr/src/tools/scripts and $2=/tmp/myreview,
 680 # this function would print "../../../../".
 681 #
 682 # In the event that $1 is not in $2 a warning is printed to stderr,
 683 # and $2 is returned-- the result of this is that the resulting webrev
 684 # is not relocatable.
 685 #
 686 function relative_dir

 910         cat << \EOF
 911 </head>
 912 <body id="SUNWwebrev" bgcolor="#eeeeee" onload="document.diff.real.focus();"
 913         onkeypress="keypress(event);">
 914     <noscript lang="javascript">
 915       <center>
 916         <p><big>Framed Navigation controls require Javascript</big><br />
 917         Either this browser is incompatable or javascript is not enabled</p>
 918       </center>
 919     </noscript>
 920     <table width="100%" border="0" align="center">
 921         <tr>
 922           <td valign="middle" width="25%">Diff navigation:
 923           Use 'j' and 'k' for next and previous diffs; or use buttons
 924           at right</td>
 925           <td align="center" valign="top" width="50%">
 926             <div class="button">
 927               <table border="0" align="center">
 928                   <tr>
 929                     <td>
 930                       <a onmousedown="handlePress(1);return true;"
 931                          onmouseup="handleRelease(1);return true;"
 932                          onmouseout="handleRelease(1);return true;"
 933                          onclick="return false;"
 934                          title="Go to Beginning Of file">BOF</a></td>
 935                     <td>
 936                       <a onmousedown="handlePress(3);return true;"
 937                          onmouseup="handleRelease(3);return true;"
 938                          onmouseout="handleRelease(3);return true;"
 939                          title="Scroll Up: Press and Hold to accelerate"
 940                          onclick="return false;">Scroll Up</a></td>
 941                     <td>
 942                       <a onmousedown="handlePress(2);return true;"
 943                          onmouseup="handleRelease(2);return true;"
 944                          onmouseout="handleRelease(2);return true;"
 945                          title="Go to previous Diff"
 946                          onclick="return false;">Prev Diff</a>
 947                     </td></tr>
 949                   <tr>
 950                     <td>
 951                       <a onmousedown="handlePress(6);return true;"
 952                          onmouseup="handleRelease(6);return true;"
 953                          onmouseout="handleRelease(6);return true;"
 954                          onclick="return false;"
 955                          title="Go to End Of File">EOF</a></td>
 956                     <td>
 957                       <a onmousedown="handlePress(4);return true;"
 958                          onmouseup="handleRelease(4);return true;"
 959                          onmouseout="handleRelease(4);return true;"
 960                          title="Scroll Down: Press and Hold to accelerate"
 961                          onclick="return false;">Scroll Down</a></td>
 962                     <td>
 963                       <a onmousedown="handlePress(5);return true;"
 964                          onmouseup="handleRelease(5);return true;"
 965                          onmouseout="handleRelease(5);return true;"
 966                          title="Go to next Diff"
 967                          onclick="return false;">Next Diff</a></td>
 968                   </tr>
 969               </table>
 970             </div>
 971           </td>
 972           <th valign="middle" width="25%">
 973             <form action="" name="diff" onsubmit="return ValidateDiffNum();">
 974                 <input name="display" value="BOF" size="8" type="text" />
 975                 <input name="real" value="0" size="8" type="hidden" />
 976             </form>
 977           </th>
 978         </tr>
 979     </table>
 980   </body>
 981 </html>
 982 EOF
 983 }
 987 #

1004                 print "$UDIFFCSS"
1005         fi
1007         cat <<-EOF
1008         </head>
1009         <body id="SUNWwebrev">
1010         <h2>$TPATH</h2>
1011         <a class="print" href="javascript:print()">Print this page</a>
1012         <pre>$COMMENT</pre>
1013         <pre>
1014 EOF
1016         html_quote | $AWK '
1017         /^--- new/      { next }
1018         /^\+\+\+ new/   { next }
1019         /^--- old/      { next }
1020         /^\*\*\* old/   { next }
1021         /^\*\*\*\*/     { next }
1022         /^-------/      { printf "<center><h1>%s</h1></center>\n", $0; next }
1023         /^\@\@.*\@\@$/  { printf "</pre><hr /><pre>\n";
1024                           printf "<span class=\"newmarker\">%s</span>\n", $0;
1025                           next}
1027         /^\*\*\*/       { printf "</pre><hr /><pre><span class=\"oldmarker\">%s</span>\n", $0;
1028                           next}
1029         /^---/          { printf "<span class=\"newmarker\">%s</span>\n", $0;
1030                           next}
1031         /^\+/           {printf "<span class=\"new\">%s</span>\n", $0; next}
1032         /^!/            {printf "<span class=\"changed\">%s</span>\n", $0; next}
1033         /^-/            {printf "<span class=\"removed\">%s</span>\n", $0; next}
1034                         {printf "%s\n", $0; next}
1035         '
1037         print "</pre></body></html>\n"
1038 }
1041 #
1042 # source_to_html { new | old } <filename>
1043 #
1044 # Process a plain vanilla source file to transform it into an HTML file.
1045 #
1046 source_to_html()
1047 {
1048         WHICH=$1
1049         TNAME=$2
1051         print "$HTML<head>$STDHEAD"
1052         print "<title>$WHICH $TNAME</title>"
1053         print "</head><body id=\"SUNWwebrev\">"
1054         print "<pre>"
1055         html_quote | $AWK '{line += 1 ; printf "%4d %s\n", line, $0 }'
1056         print "</pre></body></html>"
1057 }
1059 #
1060 # teamwarecomments {text|html} parent-file child-file
1061 #
1062 # Find the first delta in the child that's not in the parent.  Get the
1063 # newest delta from the parent, get all deltas from the child starting
1064 # with that delta, and then get all info starting with the second oldest
1065 # delta in that list (the first delta unique to the child).
1066 #
1067 # This code adapted from Bill Shannon's "spc" script
1068 #
1069 comments_from_teamware()
1070 {
1071         fmt=$1
1072         pfile=$PWS/$2
1073         cfile=$CWS/$3

1313         # End of $AWK, Check to see if any trouble occurred.
1314         if (( $? > 0 || err > 0 )); then
1315                 print "Unexpected Error occurred reading" \
1316                     "\`diff -e $1 $2\`: \$?=$?, err=" $err
1317                 return
1318         fi
1320         # Accumulate totals
1321         (( TOTL += tot ))
1322         (( TMOD += mod ))
1323         (( TDEL += del ))
1324         (( TINS += ins ))
1325         # Calculate unchanged lines
1326         unc=`wc -l < $1`
1327         if (( unc > 0 )); then
1328                 (( unc -= del + mod ))
1329                 (( TUNC += unc ))
1330         fi
1331         # print summary
1332         print "<span class=\"lineschanged\">\c"
1333         printCI $tot $ins $del $mod $unc
1334         print "</span>"
1335 }
1338 #
1339 # flist_from_wx
1340 #
1341 # Sets up webrev to source its information from a wx-formatted file.
1342 # Sets the global 'wxfile' variable.
1343 #
1344 function flist_from_wx
1345 {
1346         typeset argfile=$1
1347         if [[ -n ${argfile%%/*} ]]; then
1348                 #
1349                 # If the wx file pathname is relative then make it absolute
1350                 # because the webrev does a "cd" later on.
1351                 #
1352                 wxfile=$PWD/$argfile

3004 # <title>6641309: Wrong Cookie separator used in HttpURLConnection</title>
3005 #
3006 if [[ -n $CRID ]]; then
3007     for id in $CRID
3008     do
3009         print "<tr><th>Bug id:</th><td>"
3010         url="${BUGURL}${id}"
3011         if [[ -n $WGET ]]; then
3012             msg=`$WGET -q $url -O - | grep '<title>' | sed 's/<title>\(.*\)<\/title>/\1/' | sed 's/Bug ID://'`
3013         fi
3014         if [[ -n $msg ]]; then
3015             print "<a href=\"$url\">$msg</a>"
3016         else
3017             print $id | bug2url
3018         fi
3020         print "</td></tr>"
3021     done
3022 fi
3023 print "<tr><th>Legend:</th><td>"
3024 print "<b>Modified file</b><br /><font color=\"red\"><b>Deleted file</b></font><br /><font color=\"green\"><b>New file</b></font></td></tr>"
3025 print "</table>"
3026 print "</div>"
3028 #
3029 # Second pass through the files: generate the rest of the index file
3030 #
3031 while read LINE
3032 do
3033         set - $LINE
3034         if [[ $1 == "Revision:" ]]; then
3035             FIRST_CREV=`expr $3 + 1`
3036             continue
3037         fi
3038         P=$1
3040         if [[ $# == 2 ]]; then
3041                 PP=$2
3042                 oldname=" <i>(was $PP)</i>"
3044         else

3144         fi
3146         # Add additional comments comment
3148         print "<!-- Add comments to explain changes in $P here -->"
3150         # Add count of changes.
3152         if [[ -f $F.count ]]; then
3153             cat $F.count
3154             rm $F.count
3155         fi
3156         print "</blockquote>"
3157 done < $FLIST
3159 print
3160 print
3161 print "<hr />"
3162 print "<p style=\"font-size: small\">"
3163 print "This code review page was prepared using <b>$0</b>"
3164 print "(vers $WEBREV_UPDATED).</p>"
3165 print "</body>"
3166 print "</html>"
3168 if [[ -n $ZIP ]]; then
3169     # Let's generate a zip file for convenience
3170     cd $WDIR/..
3171     if [ -f ]; then
3172         rm
3173     fi
3174     $ZIP -r webrev webrev >/dev/null 2>&1
3175 fi
3177 exec 1<&-                        # Close FD 1.
3178 exec 1<&3                        # dup FD 3 to restore stdout.
3179 exec 3<&-                        # close FD 3.
3181 print "Done."
3182 print "Output to: $WDIR"